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Mosquito Control

Our Mosquito Control Program strives to reduce the spread of West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases. The program works with residents to address mosquito infestations. Also, we locate mosquito populations, eliminate breeding sites, and educate the public on mosquito control.

West Nile virus usually infects birds, but it can be spread to a human by a mosquito that feeds on an infected bird and then bites the human. Testing dead birds for the virus enables us to detect it in the community.


  • Collecting and testing mosquitoes and dead birds for West Nile virus
  • Treating storm drains with larvicide to kill young mosquitoes
  • Conducting door-to-door educational campaigns in areas where West Nile virus has been found
  • Responding to complaints about high mosquito activity, stagnant swimming pools, and dumped tires


Requesting a mosquito assessment

To request a mosquito assessment, click here.


Reporting a dead bird

Should I report a dead bird?

Report any bird that fits this description:

dead for less than 48 hours

not infested with insects

no obvious cause of death, like an injury. Signs of an injury include missing feathers, broken legs or wings, visible blood, or the head lying at an odd angle (especially if near a wall or window).


We may pick up the bird and test it for West Nile virus. We pick up dead birds only on weekdays.

Information on the bird will be combined with reports from throughout DeKalb County and Georgia. The addresses of dead birds are mapped and analyzed for possible West Nile virus activity.


Which birds will be picked up and tested?

Only some birds are collected for testing. We’re particularly interested in blue jays, crows, and raptors (such as hawks, owls, and eagles) because they frequently die of infection. The bird must fit the description above.

How do I report a dead bird?


  • (404) 508-7900
  • Complete this form


How do I dispose of a dead bird?

If the bird doesn’t fit the description above or is not picked up within 48 hours of its death, dispose of it properly. Wear gloves or use a shovel to handle it. Double bag the bird and place it in with your regular trash.


Tips to prevent mosquito infestations and bites

To prevent mosquito infestations:

Drain, get rid of or fill items and areas that hold water, such as:

Buckets, wheelbarrows, tires, plant saucers and toys

Plastic sheeting and tarps

Abandoned swimming pools

Clogged ditches and pipes

Low areas and tire ruts

Tree holes and hollow stumps

Remove trash, even small items like bottle caps.

Make sure roof gutters are clean and drain properly.

Make sure doors and windows fit tightly and are in good repair.

Trim or remove overgrown plants that can provide areas for mosquitoes to rest.


To prevent mosquito bites:

Cover exposed skin with an EPA-registered insect repellent containing DEET, IR3535, and oil of lemon eucalyptus or picaridin. Follow label instructions, especially when applying repellent to children. Do not let children apply repellent themselves.

Treat clothing and gear with permethrin or buy pre-treated clothing.

Wear socks and loose-fitting, light-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants.

Use extra care during the peak biting hours of dusk to dawn.

Helpful links