table settings in a restaurant

Opening a Fixed (Non-Mobile) Food Service Operation

If you are planning to open a fixed (non-mobile) food service operation, the Georgia Food Services Rules and Regulations require that you notify us at least 30 days prior to changing ownership or beginning construction on a new facility.

An application FS-FoodServiceApplication-2024.pdf is to be completed and submitted along with the proposed menu and set of plans. You may also come into our office to complete the forms and receive a food service operation package, which includes the Food Code (English | Spanish).

The completed application and menu must be forwarded to the Division of Environmental Health with a set of plans (blueprint or scaled drawing) of the facilities and permit fees for processing. Click here to see an example set of plans FS-Example_Set_of_Plans.doc and for more information concerning the plan review.

The Department of Restaurants and Hotels staff will complete the plan review process and contact you.

Take the completed plan review to the DeKalb County Business License office at:

Division of Internal Audit and Licensing
Clark Harrison Building
330 West Ponce de Leon Avenue, 2nd Floor
Decatur, Georgia 30030

Obtain Fire Marshal approval. Call for an appointment at 404-371-3010. For the cities of Chamblee, Doraville or Stone Mountain, please call 404-371-2611.

Schedule a permitting inspection with a Department of Restaurants and Hotels staff member.

Pick up the permit or request to have it mailed to you.

Obtain a business license at:

Division of Internal Audit and Licensing
Clark Harrison Building
330 West Ponce de Leon Avenue, 2nd Floor
Decatur, Georgia 30030

Opening a Mobile Food Service Operation

Base of Operation Application: To be completed by all applicants wishing to operate a mobile food service unit that is based in DeKalb County.

Mobile Food Service Application: To be completed by all applicants wishing to operate a mobile food service unit that is based in DeKalb County.

Location Listing Form

Mobile food unit operators must notify the Health Authority of the locations in which they will operate. Any change in the locations listed must be submitted to the local Health Authority at least 7 days prior to changing the location. Before a change in location, the mobile food unit operator must ensure authorization has been granted from the local City/County government office (e.g., Zoning).

Property Use Agreement Form: Mobile food unit operators must have permission from the vending location property owner prior to the property’s use.

Toilet Use Agreement Form: Mobile food unit operators must have readily available toilet facilities for their employees and customers that are located within 200 feet of the mobile food unit during its hours of operation. Failure to provide toilet facilities will result in the mobile food units removal from its vending location.

Authorization Application: To be completed by all out-of-county mobile unit operators requesting authorization to operate their permitted mobile food service unit in DeKalb County.

Permitting Inspection Checklist for Mobile Units: To be completed by all mobile food unit operators prior to the permitting inspection.

Routine Inspection Checklist for Mobile Units: To be completed by all mobile food unit operators as a way to do their own inspections when the Health Authority is not present.

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.


Hosting a Temporary Food Service Event

If you are planning to have a temporary food service event, the code requires that you notify the health department at least 30 days prior to the event by submitting the organizer application along with the vendor application(s) and the applicable payment(s).

For more information

All DeKalb Public Health center are
now operating under their normal schedules.
Todos los centros de Salud Pública de DeKalb ahora
están operando bajo sus horarios normales.

Due to a water main break along Clairmont Road, our North DeKalb Health Center will be closed for the remainder of the day. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. All appointments are being rescheduled or re-routed to one of our other health centers.
Stay tuned for updates. Thank you for your understanding!


Debido a una rotura en la tubería principal de agua a lo largo de Clairmont Road, nuestro Centro de Salud de North DeKalb estara cerrado por el resto del día. Pedimos disculpas por cualquier inconveniencia que esto pueda causar. Todas las citas se están reprogramando o redirigiendo a uno de nuestros otros centros de salud. Esté atentos a las actualizaciones. ¡Gracias por su comprensión!


Due to winter weather and potential hazardous travel conditions, all DeKalb Public Health centers will be closed on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Your safety is our top priority, and we urge everyone to stay safe and warm.

Please monitor, our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and X), and Atlanta-area news media for further operational updates.


Debido al clima invernal y las condiciones de viaje potencialmente peligrosas, todos los centros de Salud Pública de DeKalb estarán cerrados el jueves 23 de enero de 2025. Su seguridad es nuestra máxima prioridad e instamos a todos a mantenerse seguros y abrigados.

Esté atento a, nuestros canales de redes sociales (Facebook, Instagram y X) y los medios de comunicación del área de Atlanta para obtener más actualizaciones operativas.


Our health centers will be closed, December 25 and 26, 2025, in observance of the State holiday.


Our health centers will be closed, on November 28 and 28, 2025, in observance of the State holiday.


Our health centers will be closed, on November 11, 2025, in observance of Veterans Day.


Due to unplanned maintenance,
our Clifton Springs Health Center will be on CLOSED on Monday, November 4, 2024.

Our East DeKalb, T. O. Vinson and North DeKalb
Health Centers remain open to serve you.

We apologize for any inconvenience and
appreciate your understanding. 


Due to unexpected maintenance, our Clifton Springs Health Center will be closing early today at 2:30 p.m.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Thank you!


Our health centers will be closed, on October 13, 2025, in observance of the state holiday.


Our health centers will be closed, on September 1, 2025, in observance of Labor Day.


Our health centers will be closed, July 4, 2025, in observance of Independence Day.


Our health centers will be closed, June 19, 2025, in observance of Juneteenth.


Our health centers will be closed, May 26, 2025, in observance of Memorial Day.


Our health centers will be closed April 18, 2025, in observance of the State holiday.


Our health centers will be closed January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday.


Our health centers will be closed on January 1, 2025, in observance of the State holiday.


Current weather models show that winds will begin to shift
from the east to the west after sunset on Wednesday.

Smoke from the BioLab facility fire in Rockdale County is predicted to settle towards the ground as it moves toward Atlanta. There is a high likelihood that people across Metro Atlanta will wake up on Thursday morning seeing haze and smelling chlorine.

For more information about health precautions, click here.

last updated 10/2/2024 at 5:45 p.m.


DeKalb Public Health will resume normal operations
for all health centers and services at 8:15 a.m.,
on Monday, September 30.


Due to today’s worldwide cybersecurity outage, some services have been impacted.

  • You may experience delays reaching our Call Center, which handles health center appointments.
  • WIC benefit issuance is unavailable at this time. However, eWIC cards can still be used at authorized WIC vendors.

This outage has not only affected DeKalb Public Health, but other government and business services, in Georgia, throughout the nation and internationally.

We apologize for the inconvenience and greatly appreciate your patience, as we work with our partners to fully restore systems.

SERVICE ALERT: Our health centers will be closed on Tuesday December 24 and Wednesday, December 25th, in observance of the holiday. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!